Good call "becca1". Spot on. Food for thought. Thanks!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
the insert in this months km is 4 pages of revisions for the rev.
book i am going over them one by one.
most seem pretty insignificant, updated figures and such.
Good call "becca1". Spot on. Food for thought. Thanks!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
it seems that after rutherford's death that every wts publication was anonymous.
that was done to create a subconscious belief in the reader of divine authorship.
the watchtower is written by the fds and they are god's only channel of communication.
I personally know a brother in the Writing Commitee in New York. He always made it known on which articles that he had a "hand" in composing. Maybe he wanted the extra attention thinking that the R&F will look upon him as having an extra amount of Jehovah's guiding spirit.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
and for all of you that made your way out?.
18 years this past summer.. alligator wisdom (aka brother not exerting vigorously by wts standards).
[sorry if this topic was posted before.
For all of you that are still "in"?
And for all of you that made your way out?
Me? 18 years this past summer.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
[Sorry if this topic was posted before. I just wanted an updated census.]
its almost like 1987. anybody remember that?
i can't blame you if the memory is repressed.. win twins!
Wow. Its almost like 1987. Anybody remember that?
I'm an avid baseball fan and I remember the Tigers in 1987.
Last year, on a baseball discussion board, I highlighted the fact that the Detroit Tigers will make a formidable run this seaon. And they have thus far.
Lest to say, I'm not a Tigers fan.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
i am new to the site, although i have been a lurker for quite some time.
i was very nervous to create an account.
all of the people i work for and with are jw's and we are all family.
So I was wondering if any of you on here are still "active" witnesses? How do you manage going out in field service? What do you say?
Yes, I'm still active and participating in the public ministry. How do I do it?
Love for Jehovah and what Jesus did for all human creation. Besides, I love the Bible's message and encourage my neighbors to read it. Now, if your next thought is regarding using publications provided by the WTS, then that's up to the situation or topic. Usually I don't highlight that at all. I stick to some upbuilding scriptures and ask them personal questions, such as which account in the Bible is their favorite and why? The point of my ministry is to point to the Bible as a source for much good in our lives.
I get into great conversations without being preachy and have developed many nice relationships with my neighbors. They remember me and approach me when I see them around town.
And welcome to JWD. Keep posting your thoughts and experiences. We all learn from each other here.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
you are committing the same sin that king saul committed or that miriam and aaron committed.
you are acting presumptuously and going against jehovah's arrangement.. .
you can't have it both ways.
A rather amusing experience I had some years ago.
There was a disfellowshipped person diligently trying to make the attempt to get reinstated. So being, the person's meeting attendance was consistent. Yes, the congregation members shunned the person....all except two gentlemen in particular. One was a unbelieving mate of a sister who always was at the Sunday meeting since he was off on the weekends. The other was a long time Bible study who regularly attended the meetings.
Well, these two would always converse with the one disfellowshipped. I remember them making it known that it was ridiculous to do so AND that they weren't JW's themselves, so nobody should try to convince them otherwise. Needless to say, the elders didn't make a big deal about it. I think that is one of the first steps that probably changed my congregation at that time to shift into the liberal mode (very rare in the JW realm).
I was eight or nine years old then. From that experience (and other reasons of course), I never shun a fellow Christian regardless of what the WTS says.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
i went to university without any problems in the cong.
two others in my hall went and no one made a public complaint.
i was interviewed age 15 on the platform by my dad (elder) about whether i would pioneer when i left school or not.
I went to university without any problems in the cong. Two others in my hall went and no one made a public complaint.
I did the same. There were several others others in my congregation, not including my siblings, who went to colleges or universities after high school. There wasn't any "heat" brought on by the elders nor the congregation. Could it be perhaps each congregation has its own makeup in terms of liberality or conservatism? I think so.
Time line then = late 80's / early 90's
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
i'm curious about some of you who post here and say that you attend jw meetings regularly.
what motivates you to post here, and does anyone in your congregation have any clue you're doing that?
Confession Time!
I am still considered "active" when it comes to the WTS interpetation.
Blondie said : Are you active if you go to all the meetings but don't turn in a time slip (but you have talked about God to others)?
Are you active if you don't go to any meetings but talk about God to others but don't turn in a time slip?
Are you active if you go to all the meetings but never talk about God to others?
Were there any "active" Christians in the Bible? Did they turn a time slip in?
Blondie (wondering what scriptures from the NT show that Christians did these things)
I used similar reasoning when talking about this during elders/CO/MS meetings. Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
well, according to our pontiff in residence alan f anyway.
what is this some kind of promotion?
after all, i used to used to be an unreformed apologist troll.
Hi again Jayhawk1, I understand why you are puzzled. You explained yourself clearly.
You wrote : But I am puzzled about one thing. You apparently practice as a JW and go to the meetings. At least that is my impression. Let's say they don't have God's approval, why read anything they publish? If they don't have God's approval, then they don't have God's backing on anything. That means God does not support the literature they produce. On more than one occasion they have published that they are God's prophet class on Earth. If they are not backed by God, and you attend meetings they provide, shouldn't that concern you?
"Let's say that they don't have God's approval". I'm sorry Jayhawk1, how can I say that when only Jehovah has the right to make the distinction. Afterall, the point highlighted is "God's Approval", right? Not mine.
"If they don't have God's approval, then they don't have God's backing on anything". Perhaps, perhaps not. That is for only Jehovah God to say what he supports or approves. Have you ever heard about hating the behavior of a person and not hating the individual themselves?
If they aren't backed by God, and you attend meeting they provide, shouldn't that concern you? Again, I am not going to say something that only Jehovah God can make the determination. But the WTS has arranged a meeting program, right? Why can't I attend without any preconceived ideas or notions? (Ezra 7:10). Does it concern me? If what they teach is Bible based, then fine. If it doesn't and I doubt, then I take it to Jehovah thru the head of the congregation, Christ Jesus.
By the way, you may wonder how I make the determination if it is Bible based. Personal Bible reading, perusing thru forums such as these and other study material (both WTS and non-WTS related), but especially asking for the helper that Jesus said he would give us (John 14:26) my means of prayer. Jehovah understands my pursuit. It give me peace when I doubt certain issues that the WTS teaches. That peace makes me secure enough that I can honestly say "who cares what the WTS teaches if it isn't from the Bible?". Jehovah will take care of everything in his time. Not mine. (I think pride and modesty or even humility is what qualities are brought to the forefront in Jehovah's eyes in my case. Hopefully he will see my sincere efforts in trying to be a follower of His Son and for me to be more Christlike.)
You got me Jaywalk1, I go to meetings. And I will go further. I go to meetings out of my sincere motives. (Look at my personal history and you'll find that I had problems with that and other issues before). I was inactive before. I did the submarine witness thing. Now, I sometimes will miss meetings according to my condition and by also taking balance into consideration. Guilt hasn't got a hold on me anymore whether to attend meetings or not.
The same applies to my public ministry. I go and do so out of my desire and sincere interest to encourage Bible reading to my neighbors. There are topics that are WTS related that I'm not convinced of and these ones are not what I preach. I preach the gospel of Christ and highlight all to gain peace, personal benefits and to draw close to God in my ministry. Do I use the publications? If it pertains to Bible taught lessons, sure! If it doesn't, than I don't. I use the Bible as the authority. Those whom I talking with will make their own determination just as much as you and I did.
What about giving talks or comments at the meetings? Comments are given with spirit and truth. I always want to upbuild and refresh from the Word of God. I try to imitiate my Lord Jesus and how he would make an expression before an audience. As for giving talks, I have the privilege (perhaps unique) that I can select the material for which I am assigned to give. It can be a part in the TMS and if I don't feel convinced, then how can I teach it? I'll ask for a different #1 instruction talk subject. However, if I feel that the material is Bible supported, then I give it with Holy Spirit as my helper and will relate such in an encouraging way so that the congregation will see that Jehovah is God using Christ as King to lead us to perfect peace. Public talks as well, I select from an array of outlines that are scheduled to be given. Often I'll pick the ones that deal with family life, making decisions, evidence of God in the world or coping with life's anxieties. I can really take these and let Jehovah lead me to teach the audience. If it has to do with doctrine I'm not convinced of, then I'll skip it in the outline. But if the outline is based on something that I'm not convinced, then I just will decline the material altogether.
You may wonder, what do the elders/CO think about my selectivity? They know and understand. Afterall, they wanted me to be an elder and I declined twice in two different congregations. I assume they will do so again in the winter months when the CO makes his rounds once more. These brothers see my true motive in my service to Jehovah and are very supportive. Maybe Jehovah's spirit is upon them as individuals so that they understand outside of the WTS box and see my pursuit, who knows? I try to find balance and joy in my service to Jehovah. That is what he wants to see from all of us, right? (Philippians 4:4). Too many are downtrodden by the regulations of the WTS. Since I deviate from such man-made teachings and focus on the joy and benefit of service to God Jehovah while following his appointed Leader Christ Jesus, maybe that is why the body of elders and CO are very keen on me. Maybe they are envying? I can't say. The congregation finds my approach a bit different, but not offensive nor defensive. I want to be approachable like Christ and to point out that his way leads to the Father. I also feel that Jehovah God can use me and has been using me in such a way to help all those who, regardless if they are in contact with the WTS or not, to see that serving Jehovah God should be done with a pure and unadulterated motive. It makes the load really light (Matthew 11:28,29). The recommendation for me to be an elder isn't for the elders in my congregation to decide, nor is it for the GB of the WTS corporation to decide at the branch office in NY. It is by appointment through the Holy Spirit. If Jehovah wants to recommend and sees me as being ready, then I'll know it and the way for me to be one in this congregation or any other will be obviously at the right time.
Through all this experience I have learned never to under-estimate the power of the Holy Spirit and prayer. This is my personal testimony.
I totally high-jacked this thread. Thanks mods for allowing such and I'll try to refrain from doing so again. SlimBoyFat, as the main topic poster, pardon my intrusion.
You got a lot out of me on this Jayhawk1. I hope that your endeavors are leading you to the joy and happiness that you deserve as Jehovah's creation whom he loves.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)
well, according to our pontiff in residence alan f anyway.
what is this some kind of promotion?
after all, i used to used to be an unreformed apologist troll.
Hey everyone on this page (especially the moderators)!
Why are my IP addresses different for my posts? Take a look. I'm not computer savvy but I detect something wrong. Can someone explain this to me now as I probably stand to be accused of multiple personalities? I know that this has happened before with others and they were incriminated or under the suspicion of doing something dastardly and deceitful.
I will tell you honestly that I'm sitting and posting/lurking on my one and only computer at home.
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)